How to catch Jack Crevalle: Tips & Tricks From The Captain

Swimming Jack Crevalle

Fishing for Jack Crevalle can be an exhilarating experience. These predators are like fighting small Tuna, which is why these fish are often called Canal Tuna.

How to catch Jack Crevalle

Jack Crevalle is often caught using topwater lures that are quickly retrieved along the top of the water column. Jacks are frequently caught sight fishing since they can be easily located by scanning the water for areas where bait is congregated and actively being hunted. 

Jack Crevalle is a vicious inshore and nearshore predator fish that is constantly on the hunt for baitfish. If you can find the baitfish, you will undoubtedly find the Common Jack. Since Jack’s are aggressive predator fish, it is essential to keep your lure moving at high speeds, roughly 5-6 knots. Keeping your lure moving fast is crucial to ensure the Jack doesn’t lose interest in your lure. When using topwater lures, the retrieval technique is slightly different; you will want to retrieve the lure with an aggressive pooping action. It is best to vary your speeds until you see what works best. Larger Jack can often be caught using live bait, either cast into the direction of an active school or suspended behind the boat. We have always had the best response using a 2 to 3-inch finger mullet. 

Expert tips on catching Jack Crevalle 

  • Fast Retrieval: Jack is an extreme predator fish often found chasing baits at high speeds. It is essential to retrieve your lures at high speeds to keep them interested in your lure presentation. 
  • Find the nervous water: Anglers on the hunt for Jack often look for “nervous water.” Nervous Water is a term many anglers use to describe water that looks like it is vibrating just below the surface. This “vibration” is often a large school of baitfish being forced to the top of the water by some form of predator fish. Jack often gets into a feeding frenzy resulting in what many call a “Jack Attack.” A “Jack Attack” is when multiple fish begin to dramatically bust the surface of the water as they are preying on baitfish. 
  • Chum them up with live bait: Jacks are opportunist feeders always looking for their next meal. It can be very productive to chum them up using extra live bait on the boat. 
  • Topwater, topwater, topwater. Not only is topwater one of the most productive types of lures you can present to a Jack, but it also is the most exciting way to catch them. Jack’s love to bust their prey on the top of the water in a dramatic fashion. 

Let’s take a deeper look at how to catch Jack’s by learning more about the species as a whole.

What is a Jack Fish?

Jack fish or Jack Crevalle is a powerful predator fish in the Carangidae family. Jack or Jack Crevalle is called by several common names, including; Jacks, Black-Tailed Trevally, Cavalli, Common Jack, Yellow Cavalli, and Black Cavalli. These fish can grow up to 4’ in length and weigh over 70lbs. Jack Crevalle has a slender body, greenish-blue back, silvery-white belly, and a deeply forked tail. Jacks have two different types of scales on their bodies. One scale type is called scutes which are raised darker scales that are found near the tail. The second type of scale is just a common fish scale with a smooth appearance. Jack’s have tinges of gold on their heads, tail, and anal fin. Jack is mainly targeted for sport rather than harvesting since they are a bony fish species with tough fishy-tasting meat. Jack Crevalle is one of 150 species of jack that inhabit the ocean. 

When Can You Catch Jack Fish? 

Jack Crevalle is caught throughout the year in the southern parts of the Gulf and the Atlantic. Jack’s are a migratory species, often leaving colder waters in the winter to pursue warmer waters down south. Jack Crevalles are highly sensitive to cold water, so many will die if they fail to make this migration. Because of this heavy migration, Jack fishing hits its peak in South Florida as colder weather approaches in the winter. 

Though Jack can be caught throughout the day, dawn and dusk seem to be the most productive times to target them. 

Where Do You Catch Jack Fish? 

Jack Crevalle is caught in tropical and temperate waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Jacks are found almost anywhere there is moving water and baitfish. Jack Crevalle is frequently caught in coastal waters, including lagoons, estuaries, and bays, but they have been seen hundreds of miles offshore in depths of up to 1000’.  

What Do Jack Crevalle Eat?

Natural Jack Crevalle diet:

  • Baitfish (varying species) 
  • Mullet
  • Pinfish 
  • Prawns 
  • Shrimp 
  • Mollusk 
  • Crabs
  • Cephalopods 

What is the best bait to catch Jack Crevalle?  

  • Mullet
  • Pinfish 
  • Shrimp 

What Are The Best Lures For Jack Crevalle? 

  • Topwater 
  • Shallow Diving Plugs 
  • Silver or Gold Spoons 
  • Jigs 
  • CrankBaits

Is Jack Crevalle Good To Eat? 

Jack Crevalle is not very good to eat.  Jack are bony fish with a large rib cage resulting in small fillets even when filleted by a professional.  The flesh is often described as bloody, tough, and fishy. Jack is also high in mercury content and ciguatoxin, so it is best to avoid consumption.

Is Jack Crevalle Safe To Eat? 

Jack Crevalle has been known to carry Ciguatoxin, which is toxic to humans. It is best to avoid fish with ciguatoxins since the side effects of ciguatera posing can be quite debilitating. Some of the side effects include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, tingling, and shortness of breath. 

Is Jack Crevalle High In Mercury? 

Jack Crevalle is high in mercury content, coming in at .515 PPM, roughly the same mercury levels of  Spanish Mackerel, a fish commonly known for its high levels of mercury. 

Is Jack Fish A Type Of Tuna?

Jack Crevalle is not a type of Tuna. Jack Crevalle is in the Carangidae family, where is Tuna is in the Scombridae family. Jack has been nicknamed Canal Tuna by many anglers, but this has nothing to do with the relation in species but rather the nature they both fight when hooked. 

Do Jack Fish Have Scales? 

Jack Crevalle has two types of scales. One is a raised scale called a scute, and the other is a typical fish scale that is smooth in appearance and feel. 

Do Jack Fish Have Teeth? 

Jack Crevalle has both an outer row of large canine teeth and an inner row of villiform teeth on the top jaw. The Bottom jaw has a single row of large canonical teeth. 

What Is Jack Crevalles Size & Bag Limit?

Jack Crevalle is an unregulated species that fall under the default bag limit: two fish or 100 pounds per person, per day – whichever is more.

Best Tackle for Jack Crevalle 

Fishing Rod

The 7’ medium weight fast action “Stellar Lite Fast Taper Spinning rod” by star rod is a phenomenal rod option for Jack Crevalle. The length of Stellar Lite is great for making a long cast, and the medium rod weight is perfect for fighting these aggressive fish. 

Fishing Reel 

Since fishing for Jack Crevalle can be a casting-intensive endeavor, we recommend using a reel with a high gear ratio of 7:1 & and a 4K or larger sized reel. Having a high gear ratio will dramatically reduce angler fatigue throughout the day.

Fishing Line. 

Fishing for Jack Crevalle is often casting intensive, so using a braided line specifically designed for optimal casting distance is always a good idea. We highly recommend PowerPro Spectra Fiber. 


Leader size can vary depending on the size of Jacks you run into on the water. On average, a 30lb to 40lb fluorocarbon is going to be your best option. We have tried 100’s of leaders, but we have always caught more fish using Seagar Blue Label Fluorocarbon Leader. 


When casting live bait to Jack Crevalle, a 4/0 circle hook would be a great size to start. 

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